About the Plugin

The main task of this plugin is to make any WordPress website into a reservation management system.

The plugin can make reservations which are linked with the restaurant schedule (multiple schedules), tables, seats, different areas of the restaurant (bar side, pool, garden, and so on). It allows customers to book their tables (not just a contact form) depending on the available tables at the selected hour. It also offers email confirmation and various charts/calendar modes to view the reservations for the administrator of the restaurant.

So, simply put - Your customer can book a reservation for a table anytime.

Also, the plugin will transform your wordpress website into a management system. You can display your food menus or even make it online deliveries.

Plugin thumbnail


Download the zip file of the plugin from the repository. After go to the admin part of your site to the Plugins - Add New page.

To open the file uploading form click the Upload Plugin button on the top.

After select the downloaded zip file in the form lower, submit it and click Activate button.

The next you might need to check is the plugin settings.

Installation Screenshot

Installation Screenshot

Display on Website

You can use the form wizard reservation using Elementor page builder (search for the widget named Restaurant Reservation Table) where you can customize the design. Alternatively, you can use shortcodes:

Display Example

Display Example


Easily embed reservation forms into your WordPress pages or posts using shortcodes. Customize the appearance and behavior of the forms using the settings provided.

To add a shortcode to your WordPress page or post, simply copy the shortcode provided and paste it into the content area of your page or post where you want the reservation form to appear.

Shortcodes: for example: [foodmenu style="3" posts_number="5" category_id="2" title="Our Menu"]. You can use the form wizard reservation with Elementor (search for the widget named Restaurant Reservation Table) to customize the design, or use the shortcode [booking_table_reservation]. Customize the style by adding the style attribute, e.g., [booking_table_reservation style="classic"]. For food menus, use the Elementor widget named Our Foodmenu Post, or use the shortcode [foodmenu]. Customize with attributes like style, show_post_id, not_post_id, category_id, posts_number, and title.

Learn more about shortcode customization options in the Settings section.

Elementor Widget

The Elementor widget offers enhanced customization options, allowing you to edit the text of each step of the form wizard and make more visually customized reservations. This flexibility empowers you to tailor the reservation process to match your branding and user experience preferences.

Elementor Widget Overview

Elementor Widget Overview

Additionally, the plugin is ready for translation, enabling you to translate the content into multiple languages. You can use third-party WordPress translation plugins such as WPML, Polylang, or Loco Translate to easily translate the plugin's content. Learn more about how to use translation plugins here.

Elementor Widget Overview

You can add/ customize easy the foodmenu just search for ``our menus`` in elementor widgets.

Elementor Widget Overview foodmenu

Can search for what products to show or not, you can even selected by their ingredints or category

Elementor Widget Overview foodmenu 1


Tables Management

Manage your restaurant tables easily. Add tables with numbers and other details to facilitate reservations. Tables are correlated with reservations and can be assigned to multiple locations (e.g., garden side, inside, smoking area).

Tables Overview

Tables Overview

Table Details

Table Details


Real-time research & data analysis. Discover actionable insights with Restaurant Reservation Table System’s intuitive dashboard. Monitor reservation trends, occupancy rates, and customer preferences effortlessly. Optimize operations and elevate customer experience with real-time analytics.

The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your restaurant's reservation data. You can see the rate of reservations occupied per day, charts displaying upcoming reservations, and other key metrics related to reservations and customer behavior.

Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

Reservation status Overview

Also you can see in real time the status of the reservations.

Dashboard Overview

You can change the reservation details manually using the wordpress panel. Where can be change the time of arriving, the number of the table

Dashboard Overview

Calendar Mode View

Data Visualization & Calendar Insights. Maximize restaurant efficiency with our plugin’s intuitive dashboard and Calendar Mode offering multiple view options such as day, month, and week. Monitor trends, manage availability, and enhance customer experience seamlessly. Optimize operations with real-time insights and intuitive visualization.

The Calendar Mode provides various view options including day, month, week, and list, allowing you to visualize reservation data in different formats. This feature enables you to monitor trends, manage availability, and enhance the overall customer experience by providing intuitive visualization and real-time insights.

Calendar Mode Overview

Calendar Mode Overview


Schedule Interval

Manage the interval for scheduling tasks to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Flexible Scheduling: Customize schedules with up to 3 different time slots.

Schedule Interval Overview

Here you can choose the schedule interval for reservation tables. You can set 3 different schedules. Also you can set an extra schedule for „Holidays” where you can pick how to be the resataurant Close/Open in a specificed TIME ( this will overwrite the normals schedules.)

Schedule Interval Overview


Configure general settings for your plugin, including basic information and default options.

General Settings Overview

General Settings Overview

The "End of Reservation" option allows you to automatically set the end time of a reservation to the end of the day, ensuring that the last reservation of the day does not extend beyond the closing time. This option can be set to a duration ranging from 1 hour to the entire day.


Customize the design of the form wizard to match your website's branding and style preferences. Please note that customization options in this section do not affect the appearance of the Elementor widget. For more advanced design options, consider using the Elementor plugin and searching for the widget named "Restaurant Reservation Table".

Design Settings Overview

Design Settings Overview

SMTP Email Confirmation

Enable the possibility to send customers an email confirmation along with a unique reservation code. Easily customize the email template using HTML to match your branding and style preferences. Complete the SMTP configuration directly in the plugin settings without the need for additional SMTP plugins.

This feature ensures reliable email delivery and provides customers with a seamless reservation experience.

SMTP Email Confirmation Overview

SMTP Email Confirmation Overview


Customize the appearance of your reservation forms using the settings in the Design section or by utilizing the Elementor widget. Please note that there are two different form styles available, and they cannot be added to the same page simultaneously.

Explore more about customization options:

Food menus display

How to display a food menu

Firstly, you have to add your meals. Each meal from your restaurant have to be added into the food menu post type. To do it you have to select from wordpress panel the ``Our Menu`` then ``Add new Post``, then you will write a short description, add a image, put the price of the meal, select a category (if you don t have one, you have to add one from ``Our menu`` -> ``category foods``, there you can add a image to the category - you will need it for some food menu styles, more details about how to add a category) and add a allergy if is neccesary.

After that, you can display your menus by two methond:
(1) using directly a wordpress shortcode like [foodmenu style="3" title="Our Menu"] To change the style you have to choose one (for 1 to 6, here you can find all the styles ).
(2) using elementor widget named ``Our food menu`` - there you can easy customize, but for this option you have to activate Elementor plugin

food add

Food menus style

We have created 6 different styles for displaying your restaurant menu. All of those are full-resposive.

food style

Food category

Your meals should have a defined category in order to work well the plugin. To add category you have to select from wordpress panel ``Our menu`` -> ``Food Category`` and add one, from here you should a for each category a icon image and background image.

food category

How to customize a menu

The most easy way to customize the food menu is using elementor widget named ``our menu``, from there you can even customize the design of the menu list, change font, colors, size and so one. Also you can customize the display of the food menu, in order to show only a specificed meal or category of meals. See more details. But for this feature is required to have active the elementor page builder

Or You can use shortcode [foodmenu style="1" not_post_id="12,14" category_id="1,2" posts_number="10" title="Our Menu"] where:
foodmenu style="1" is the only required and it can be 1 to 6
not_post_id="12,14" add the id of the food menu (meal) which you do not want to show
show_post_id="12" - id of the food menu which you want to show, or leave empty if you want to show all the meals
category_id="1,2" - ids of the category if want to show or leave empty if you want to show all
posts_number="10" - the number of how many food menu/meals to show, leave empty in order to show all the meals

food category

Delivery online

You have the possibility to transform your food menu into a shop. You can easy add your meats to be delivered with any other third-party. Also, you can have multiple schedule when you will have open the restaurant for delivery.

Delivery setting

delivery online

The delivery is open.

delivery online

The delivery is close.

delivery online


If you need further assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.


For more support on our plugin, please visit our ThemeForest support page.

Support Overview

Support Overview